Monday, March 19, 2012

The Nursing Home Question??

The question is will I play there before I end up there? I have been talking about playing at the Senior Home near my house for at least eight months. I even made flyer. I just have to go and do it!

It is a tribute to Johnny Mercer and Jimmy Van Huesen. It so happens that most of the songs I have learned are by these two. Why not make it a tribute then?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gone With Wind: One More TIme!

I want to impress my teacher tommorow at my lesson and play this song flawlessly! This involves playing it with the metronome for an hour straight!

And this brings up an obvious point: I am finally realizing how important it is to practice with the metronome. As a beginner it is very difficult, but to develop really good rythymn, this has to be done. Luckily I can use the drum patterns to avoid the click monotony. So now I have decided to make playing with drums the rule rather than the exception. I know this is obvious, but most things in life seem obvious once you realize them!